Outcast is Now Published!

“If these codes cannot or will not be adhered to or honored, then one may live as an outcast (oon’tau), away from Arydd’liss and Mount N’ethim, forbidden to be allowed among the Sovereign Dragons and its society for the rest of their natural life. Oon’tau and human interaction is discouraged, nor should they co-exist. It is forbidden for oon’tau to cause harm, commit malicious acts, steal, assault, injure, or cause a death, except in such cases where self-defense or preservation of life becomes necessary.”

– Book of Days – Old Codes and Laws, translated to Old Common 2935 AX

 Niamh, a young, reclusive farm girl soon becomes the focus of an outcast Dragon terrorizing the village of Dunmuir. But, does she have a secret?

Available Now!

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Paperback: 254 pages
Kindle: 206 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 11, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1511424761
ISBN-13: 978-1511424769



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